Sunday, April 26, 2009

Aleta needs to get back to Carrabelle fund

I just wanted to post a tiny update…nothing major. I just would like to say that this trip up to Carrabelle was the best trip ever. I had a blast. I would love to post in here some of the goings on of the weekend…but I don’t even know where to begin. Fun. Thank you, Amy and Bobby…y’all kept me laughing all weekend. Bobby, I still think you’re a perv…but a funny one, so it’s ok :) Amy, I haven’t laughed that much in a long time. It was great. With the talk of being a baby mama, the interesting conversation with Christopher, and the unfortunate incident of grabbing Merle's butt, how could the trip not have been fun?? Haha.

I also would like to say here, that I had a few people ask me when I was moving up there....ugh....I wish I could. Don't keep tempting me, people.

Originally, I had planned on going this past weekend, then, waiting until the 4th of July weekend…but I just don’t think I can wait that long. (Yes, probably now Amy and Bobby are thinking “Oh hell, her again?!”) So, now I’m starting an “Aleta needs to get back to Carrabelle fund,” if anyone would like to contribute. :)


  1. I had the most fun EVER!!
    I'm glad you had a good time, too. I would apologize for the perv, but I'm sure there's nothing I can say :-)

  2. hehe, I'm glad you had a good time... Cause we likes to have some fun ;-) look forward to next time.. just think of what might happen then lol

  3. Well I have not even heard the W-H-O-L-E story (but I better come Friday) and I am ready to donate $5 for a return trip! That is if your momma will let you go.
