Dale and Margaret

I have always known that my mom, dad, and sister were the crème de la crème. But as I was sitting listening to all the conversations going on amongst mom, dad, Rheba, Aunt Angie, Gary, Jarrod, Dale and Teresa, I got to thinking about how truly blessed I am.
Over the past two weeks, we have had 3 or 4 family get-togethers. With the holidays, and with Jarrod’s visit, we’ve all been trying to spend some quality time together. I have truly enjoyed this time together. It’s not often that we are able to have as much time with Jarrod. He lives in San Diego now, and only gets to visit a few times a year (if that). But his lengthy visit WAS the very best Christmas gift that I could’ve gotten. He is very near and dear to my heart. When we were growing up, we were inseparable. Whether it be just going to the grocery store with mom or Aunt Angie, talking during nap time at daycare, or riding in Punky’s Putt-Putt, we were always together. And boy, did we know how to stir up some trouble. We were constantly either being threatened by Granny Betty and her peach switch or in time-out at daycare (although…usually Jarrod could lie his way out of trouble…and leave me, and sometimes Dale, to deal with the consequences). And I cannot say how many times Dale, Jarrod, and I heard the dreaded “If ya’ll don’t stop, I’m gonna pull this car over.” Yes, my childhood memories are very sweet to think back on, and in many ways it’s due to Jarrod and his brother Dale. Another person that I could not imagine my life without is their mom, my Hannie (Aunt Angie, for all of those who don’t know that nickname). There are not enough words to describe how much she means to me. I am very thankful that my mom chose her to watch me while I was a baby. She filled my life with so much love, happiness, and laughter. She, too, was a great asset to my raising. As I have gotten older, she has grown from being my Aunt and second mom, to also a dear friend. I am thankful for that. Aunt Angie's mom, Margaret, has also been like a grandma to me. I have now lost my grandma and my great-grandma on the Watson side, so I am happy to have her. She has always been there for me while I was growing up, and I appreciate her very much. As our family extended several years ago, adding Gary and Teresa, it only got richer. Gary is such a good person, and not only has he been an excellent step-dad to Dale and Jarrod, but he has also been a good uncle to Rheba and me and a good friend to my parents. When looking into our family, it’s hard for me to think that Teresa is married-in. There’s just never been a time when I haven’t considered her part of the family. She has definitely been an asset to our family.
Yes, when I thank God for all of the blessings in my life, I always mention my family. We can be crazy at times, but with our uniqueness, there is a lot of love here. I am proud to be a part of that.
You do have a pretty great family! :) Those pictures are so funny! Teresa claims she just wanted Dale to move so she could have the couch to herself and it had nothing to do with anything she drank! :)